Each and every Holiday Season, as with many cities and towns across America, and the world for that matter, Eureka Springs. Arkansas twinkles to life in a different way.
The Spirit of Christmas fills the air and shopkeepers ready their windows with good cheer for the crowds of visitors as they take to the streets of Eureka. While crowding is certainly discouraged these days, there is still magic in the air and ways to experience it here.

Traditionally, Eureka Springs has kicked off the season with The Annual Christmas Parade Of Lights. our night parade, which of course draws crowds with children as this parade brings Santa Claus to Eureka Springs.
Other signature events have included The Illuminated Stroll The Springs, The Annual Parade of Homes, Night of a Thousand Santas, Christmas at The Crescent Hotel (which also has the ice rink) and concerts in The Auditorium.
That, friends, is what happens here traditionally.
For 2020, the year that for a moment, interrupted traditions far and wide. This interruption sparked creativity all around town as Eureka intends to take a twist on tradition.

This year, Eureka Springs will host The Giving Back (Drive-by viewing) Stationary Christmas Parade.
Holiday floats and displays will be available for drive-by viewing at various locations on the upper historic loop, through downtown, as well as throughout the city from 6:00pm-8:00pm on Friday, December 4th. There will also be areas set-up to safely drop-off donations "giving back" to your favorite charities all along the stationary parade route this year.

Another safe activity that is free and enjoyable happening this year is our Illuminated Stroll The Springs. Simply take time to visit some of the most popular natural springs here in Eureka Springs which are illuminated and decorated beautifully for Christmas. Our Parks and Recreation folks do an incredible job ensuring that the springs are vibrant with creative holiday decorations, lights and colors.
Plus, there is exceptional shopping. One cannot forget shopping. Shopping in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is like stepping into the Victorian Era adorned with Christmas Spirit. Mask-up and hit the hustle-and-bustle because here, it's easy to find the perfect gifts for your whole family. Thank you for Shopping Small.

Lastly, The Great Passion Play, will feature a drive-through forest of over 300 Christmas trees, lights and decorations.
When: November 26 - January 2
Time: Nightly (Thursdays - Sundays) from dusk to 8:00pm
Cost: Please offer a generous donation
Another safe holiday activity that will allow the whole family to remain in the family car and experience this forested celebration of The Light of the World. There is a full Nativity scene at the base of our Christ Of The Ozarks statue as well.

Whether you are traveling for a romantic spot under the mistletoe or for a shop-'til-you-drop weekend with friends or just simply for some relaxation, Eureka Springs sparkles this year and it's something to see.
Make your plans today to explore Eureka Springs during the Holiday Season 2020 - and please do so safely.
Despite these uncertain times which (as we all know) limit many aspects of life as it once was, it is still my passion, whenever possible, to continue to feature our beloved Eureka Springs and what happens here.
I don’t encourage anyone to travel or be unsafe with their decisions but I do believe that supporting our small town (whenever possible) is important now more than ever. Locals all practice social and physical distancing, remain 6 ft apart from one another, wash hands and don masks and we ask our visitors to do the same.
Please stay safe, make the most of this truly unique holiday season and share your love and joy with everyone you meet.
Support Main Street America and the independent retailers of Eureka Springs who make rediscovering the magic of the holiday season in Eureka Springs, a cherished memory.❤️