Eureka Springs has cool-factor. We truly have something going here. We have rainbow stairs. Gnomes. Cool Tree Carvings. Butterflies. Nature. Music. Art. AZA!
We have a whole lot of "co-creation" going on here. As citizens of Eureka Springs, we c0-create Eureka Springs. We build it and transform it. We also have the power to break it up and tear it down if we are not careful.
This particular piece of mosaic, mirror, and cement art is stunning. The locals here call her "Eureka Cher" but this is actually the Statue of the Goddess of Feminine Cosmic Energy and her name is Aza, which stands for Adora Zelina Astra ("Beloved One Created of the Stars"), and she stands on the hill overlooking Basin Park right here in downtown Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

Aza was built in late 2012 by sculptor Bruce Anderson. She is a non-denominational Goddess, a composite of various deities that Anderson says celebrates the feminine energy of the cosmos. She was built for the owners of Eureka Springs' chili restaurant, whose lawn overlooks a downtown (Basin Spring) park, giving the statue a clear view of the public standing right above our most central, most prominent park in downtown Eureka Springs.
Blue-green Aza is made of stained cement and she holds a heart in one hand and an orb scepter in the other. She is covered in hand-cut sparkly tiles that were inspired, according to Anderson, by Hubble Telescope photographs of deep space. Aza, who has a beatific smile, has been variously interpreted as Hindi, Egyptian, and Roman Catholic, and some even think she's a mermaid, although her elaborate robes and large silver aura might be a disadvantage under the sea.
Aza is beautiful.
Aza is Eureka!
Aza exists here because she was meant to exist here. (Nowhere else on Earth!)
Please enjoy our Aza!
