Here in Eureka Springs, living completely immersed in nature is a great way to reduce stress and other negative emotions. When you take a moment to focus on the good round you, there's no better feeling.
Our vibrant little town is a good example of one of my favorite mantras: "focus on the good."
Amidst the unprecedented pandemic of COVID-19, this little town of action-takers TAKE SERIOUS ACTION. As I have posted a time or two before, Eurekans "do!" We participate. We get out there. We do not sit on the sidelines. Here are some wonderful examples of our very own Eurekans focused on the good.

Designer, Mark Hughes, from Regalia Handmade Clothing Studio on White Street says:
"Face mask production and distribution is still going strong here at Regalia as more volunteers join in ... 1/4" elastic is now impossible to find, and our bulk orders have been cancelled, so we are moving on to a new method using T-shirts cut into strips ... I guess I won't run out of supplies in this town, huh? Donations from T-shirt makers are coming in, and we are getting them to where they are needed, here and Missouri. This new design is helpful to Heathcare folks because they can be worn over an N95 to protect them and be washed, and the new knit fabric straps are more comfortable for prolonged wear. We will be getting these out to front line people soon- cashiers, delivery folk, heath care workers."

Marshall Johnson, with The Rockin' Pig Saloon says:

"Making our rounds again today feeding the first-responders and the ER staff!! We are continuing to offer a BBQ meal at no charge to anyone who needs it in Eureka Springs, Arkansas we are here to help!! We have our new car hop curbside menu available 11-8pm!!"
Locals Una and Kai set-up a fund at Arvest Bank to provide direct support for the residence of Eureka Springs during the Covid-19 pandemic. All funds will be used to fulfill these needs accordingly. #eurekaunited
Local Una Grace (and her husband Kai) posted the following:

Kai and I opened up an account at the Eureka Springs Arvest Bank.
WAYS TO DONATE: *Go in person to the drive through . *Send us a donation via check or we can pick up (message for address) *If you have an account with Arvest you can call the ES branch to make a donation. *Pay via PayPal (link below) *Account is under the name Eureka Springs Community Support (last four of acct. # 0308) and you MUST USE our legal name Denny and Courtney McNamara. Thank you all so much for doing your part to help those in need. Kai and I are overwhelmed with what we are witnessing and our hearts are full of gratitude for this amazing city and it’s lovely residents.❤️
Laci Wilson Moffitt, of Eureka Clothing Company, says:
We now have a ‘tab’ on this wonderful online marketplace where customers can purchase a gift card from your business! Please register your business and share this website! We appreciate these developers for creating this site to help us all in our time of need! #nwarkansasunited #wewillsurvive #supportlocal Here’s the link below to register your business! https://supportlocalnwa.com/register-business/

Author, Business Owner, Wellness Guru and Local Wendy Reese Hartmann says:
"Last night, Dave and I went for a walk and looked up at the stars, listened to the "peepers" (not sure what the night frogs are called here, but that's their name in Vermont), surrendering into the unknowing that prevails on so many levels. Our hearts are heavy. It would be easy to panic, but that's not really either of our nature. We both have a lot of faith that from this sh*%storm, good can come. We know people have big hearts. We know our community and this world will make it through together, even at a social distance for the time being. Always we begin again, even if we aren't conscious of such beginnings. We have today. We can do something today. We can reach out, write a letter, make a phone call, deliver some food, do those things you've been putting off around the house, take a walk, watch the sunset. Good advice.
Being safe does not mean you have to avoid the outdoors altogether.
In times like these, I believe that being outside in nature is more important than ever, providing a path to balance and perspective during all the turmoil. It's also stress relieving and health boosting.
When you go outside for fresh air, exercise and grounding, I encourage you to meditate, notice the beauty of nature, breathe deeply and focus on gratitude for all the goodness in your life. This will give you a great immunity boost.

Laci Wilson Moffitt, of Eureka Clothing Company, says:
When the Coronavirus emergency ends, do a good deed for the rest of 2020-2021. Spend your vacation in America! Eat in your hometown restaurants. Sleep in American hotels. Visit American tourist places. Buy American products or buy in American stores. Buy from local artisans, local businesses. Support companies that have had difficulties due to low or lack of sales. We should all do that. Copy the text and share. Together we support and take the AMERICAN economy forward. Stay Strong America. #eurekastrong