Independence Day has a double meaning here in our charming city of Eureka Springs, Arkansas because the city was first founded and named on July 4, 1879. Today our Eureka is known for its rich Victorian history, bustling tourism, radical inclusion and beautiful people. It is very easy to walk the historic streets and feel transported back in time.

Check out one of my earlier blog-posts explaining Eureka's connection to Independence Day here.
Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation is thrilled to bring back J-A-M-B-O-R-E-E-K-A, our newly instated and wildly successful Annual Independence Day Fireworks Event!
This year's Jamboreeka Fireworks extravaganza is being held Thursday, July 4th from 5:00pm-9:30pm at the Lake Leatherwood City Park Ballfields. Come enjoy live music, water games, local food & beer vendors and more at this free, family-friendly event. (Fireworks at 9:15 PM)

Our incredible preservation efforts play a big part in why this town still thrives today.
Preservation at this level is primarily successful because of the strength of this community, the collaborative style of leadership and the partnerships formed in and around town and the surrounding towns. Our residents and locals serve on the board of the Historic District Commission (HDC) or on City Council and other boards and offices. They seek out employment and volunteer opportunities with the Department of Public Works, the tourism office and our Parks and Recreation teams, to name a few. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, "a town this small, is not this vibrant without The Beautiful People of Eureka and this bustling community of 'doers.'"
Not only do Eurekans show up, when they do show up, they participate. As much as the visitors to Eureka Springs enjoy all that there is to offer here, it is the locals that are a very large part of that experience. In fact, it's often the local energy that brings the visiting experience to life. People see what it feels like through the locals and how they fuel the energy around town.

But, as with any small town, sometimes things can get a bit disjointed. Collaboration can feel like pushing that boulder up a mountain. Our lil'ol'Eureka Springs is no different than any other place for we, too, have our fair share of ups and downs.
"It all started by making connections with other people, groups and organizations, and it evolved into liking and sharing each other's social media posts and pics."
Our thanks to the crew at Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation. Bringing our community together is what we do best and Jamboreeka is one of those events with all the feels of a small-town American pride celebration.
Come one, come all and come out on Thursday, July 4 to the Lake Leatherwood City Park Ballfields and enjoy JAMBOREEKA!

Event Time: 5:00-9:30 PM
Fireworks: at 9:15 PM
Bands: Sprungbilly and Cate Brothers. Yep, that's right, they're "keepin' it local."
Note: July 4, 2024 marks Eureka Springs' 145th birthday celebration!
FREE ADMISSION. Donations to support Eureka Parks are greatly appreciated! ❤️

Ha! I love this quirky, little town!