On June 10, 2018, my partner Jeff and I moved here to beautiful Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

Since 2008, we resided in Dallas, Texas and in the months leading up to the move, our conversations about Eureka Springs were robust and frequent.
Ever since our very first visit to Eureka Springs, we could not get Eureka Springs off our minds and we knew in our hearts that we were going to live here one day.
When we first met, Jeff and I were both living in Seattle, WA. Our chapter there was truly amazing as was the chapter in Big D. The move from Seattle to Dallas, however, was (in a word) - enervating.
I love words like enervating. It's such a perfect word to describe a cross-country move that takes it all out of you. Moving from Seattle to Dallas was most definitely enervating.
Eureka Springs, AR is located in the Northwest corner of Arkansas and one would think a move from Dallas to Eureka, which is only 6 hours northeast by car, shouldn't be too bad.
Well, as everybody knows, "everything's bigger in Texas." For two dudes and an 8lb Chihuahua, our home was quite large - 4BR, 2.5 bath. Because of the "stuff" we had accumulated over the years in our Texas-sized home, this simple 6 hour move north felt like another enervating cross-country excursion!
Well, now, we are here and just a few days ago, June 10, 2020, we celebrated two wonderful years living here. As expected we are happier than ever with our decision.
Eureka Springs is a beautiful place, surrounded by nature and brimming with culture and community. This is one of those unexpected places that just fits.
Not everyone wants to move for retirement–or even retire at all. Jeff and I certainly weren't thinking of retirement when we moved here but now that we're here, we both know, this is it. This is our final destination. We have officially said farewell to enervating moves.
If you're considering retirement, take a moment to consider all of your options. There is a lot to consider. We get it, leaving our strong social networks in Seattle and Dallas was not easy for us, so if you like where you are living, you probably are happy to stay and retire right where you are.
Any city would be a good place to consider for retirement: New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Seattle, Dallas, Minneapolis, and Chicago, all of these locations have strong, large LGBTQ communities and quite a lot to experience.
Eureka Springs is one of those unexpected gems in America. I am so very proud to say that Eureka Springs has been featured in many magazines and publications as a top place to get married, a top place to visit, a top place to shop for art, a top place to shop, a top place to see live music, a top place to experience nature, a top small town in America and a top place to go mountain biking.
I'm sure there are more attributes to list about the many things that are offered here, but I must say this recent feature is on the website LGBTQ Nation, is exceptional and it is absolutely true - we're "an oasis for those looking to get away from big cities."
Eureka Springs is one of those unexpected best places to consider for retirement.

Check out the feature on LGBTQ Nation here.