My blog audience is widespread (and growing) and I get it, a drag show is not for everyone -- but hear me out people!
I went to school for theatre and earned by BFA in Musical Theatre, so for a guy like me, spending time at a drag show is simply a fun, joyful, performance where people, from all walks of life, spend time together without judgement. It's a safe place for many, and it's an experience that can conjure up some introspection and cause you to think about things happening in your own life. At a drag show, you may ask yourself, do you: "follow your own bliss?" "have courage?" "spread love and joy?" "judge others?" "treat people the way you want to be treated?" . . . and do you laugh and dance?"
I mean, hey, riding a motorcycle, zip-lining, golfing and Indian food are not entirely things I gravitate toward, but I'm proud to say that I've experienced them all at least once in my life and tried out each experience for myself in order to properly determine and decide how I would personally prefer to proceed forward. I love variety in my life. It spices things up. I'll try anything once, and if I don't get a serious dose of joy from it, I simply pivot and seek out joy!
Newsflash! Joy is everywhere!
My friends, if you have never seen a drag show - do it! GO! Put it on your bucket list and be prepared to smile, laugh and have some good ol'fashioned fun! I feel that what often turns most people off to it is not the "dude in a dress" thing, it's the irreverence.
Newsflash! Irreverence is everywhere!
In my most read blog=post to date, It's All Drag, the theatre major in me took some time to dive a little deeper and research the connection that drag has to vaudeville. The whole thing is just fascinating to me!
Newsflash! Drag is everywhere!
Sidebar: While I do embody some crazy-strong courage at times, no one on this Earth needs to see me in drag because I look like a built dude in a dress. In other words, "it ain't pretty." LOL!
But you'll definitely see me appreciating all Drag Queens that get out there, follow their bliss, dance like no one's watching and spread love and joy.

In the true style of this radically inclusive community, when there is an event, say, disrupts our flow (like 7" of SNOW in March) this community says, "hey, let's put on a show!"
. . . and that's exactly what happened . . .
On March 11, 2022, at The Rowdy Beaver Den, located at 47 Spring St, Eureka Springs, AR 72632, these performers were exceptional. We had such a fun time after being cooped-up all day as the snow dumped on us!! Kudos to John Derek, The Rowdy Crew, and the Drag Queens for turning snow into a show!
Here are some fun pics taken from the evening. Please enjoy!
I Love Eureka!
