Saturday, December 7, 2019
3:00pm - 8:00pm
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

The Eureka Springs Preservation Society was founded in 1978 and incorporated as a not for profit organization on July 30, 1979 with the goal of preserving the natural and architectural beauty of Eureka Springs.
Each year, the Preservation Society sponsors The Christmas Tour of Homes. The proceeds from this Tour have been used for many community projects over the years. This year, 2019, the Preservation Society's funding helped with the sand blasting and painting of the fountain in Basin Park.
The Preservation Society also sponsors fall plants for the gardens in town and donates to the Native Garden Downtown.

Join The Preservation Society this year as they offer you a look into some of the wonderful homes of our past, right here in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.


Every Little Bit, Helps!
Take a moment and help out our wonderful Eureka Springs Preservation Society. Please make your check payable to:
Eureka Springs Preservation Society
PO Box 404
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
