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The First Annual Jamboreeka!

Writer's picture: John-Michael ScurioJohn-Michael Scurio

Independence day has a double meaning here in our charming city of Eureka Springs, Arkansas because the city was first founded and named on July 4, 1879. Today our Eureka is known for its rich Victorian history, bustling tourism, radical inclusion and beautiful people. It is very easy to walk the historic streets and feel transported back in time.

Check out one of my earlier blog-posts explaining Eureka's connection to Independence Day here.

This year, 2023 for the first time ever, Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation is thrilled to be hosting J-A-M-B-O-R-E-E-K-A, our Independence Day Fireworks Event on Sunday, July 2, 2023 at Lake Leatherwood City Park Ballfields from 5:00pm - 9:30pm.

Fireworks start at 9:15 PM

Happy Birthday, Eureka Springs! July 4, 1879

Our incredible preservation efforts plays a big part in why this town still thrives today.

Preservation at this level is primarily successful because of the strength of this community, the collaborative style of leadership and the partnerships formed in and around town and the surrounding towns. Our residents and locals serve on the board of the Historic District Commission (HDC) or on City Council and other boards and offices. They seek out employment and volunteer opportunities with the Department of Public Works, the tourism office and our Parks and Recreation teams, to name a few. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, "a town this small, is not this vibrant without The Beautiful People of Eureka and this bustling community of 'doers.'"

Not only do Eurekans show up, when they do show up, they participate. As much as the visitors to Eureka Springs enjoy all that there is to offer here, it is the locals that are a very large part of that experience. In fact, it's often the local energy that brings the visiting experience to life. People see what it feels like through the locals and how they fuel the energy around town.

Local resident: Nisa

But, as with any small town, sometimes things can get a bit disjointed. Collaboration can feel like pushing that boulder up a mountain. Our lil'ol'Eureka Springs is no different than any other place for we, too, have our fair share of ups and downs.

Susan Luddy

Please allow me to introduce you to Susan Luddy. Fairly new to Eureka Springs, Susan is now responsible for administration, marketing & community relations at Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation

She and her team had a vision that would involve, as she put it, "building relationships out of some silos and some societal separations that have occurred over time."

After years at Dell in Austin, Texas, where Susan worked in Marketing and Corporate Communications, she brings over twenty years of knowledge and experience in this arena.

What's more, she's truly passionate about what she does, about nature and about her new home -- Eureka Springs, Arkansas. She absolutely loves representing Eureka Springs in this new role.

I highly encourage you to meet and get to know Susan. We truly hit it off, because, like me, she absolutely loves life, loves being involved and she also loves Eureka as much as I do. Born and raised in New Jersey, her life has taken her to places like Texas, Massachusetts and New Hampshire and after the last 3.5 years in Sedona, Arizona, Susan decided to call Eureka Springs home after she visited in January 2022 and experienced an "episode of goosebumps."

Those very goosebumps were the only sign she needed to take the leap, relocate here and get involved.

"It all started by making connections with other people, groups and organizations, and it evolved into liking and sharing each other's social media posts and pics."

I am sure Susan's boss, Sam Dudley, would agree that it was not too long after colleague Nick Boyette coined the very creative name for this first time ever event - Jamboreeka - that things really took off. . .

Mayor Butch Berry

. . . and with July 4 being such a special day for Eureka Springs, Mayor Butch Berry got his team involved, too, so that this first annual Jamboreeka event is something special for our truly special place on Earth. Note: July 4, 2023 marks Eureka Springs' 144th birthday celebration!

Come one, come all and come out on Sunday, July 2 to the Lake Leatherwood City Park Ballfields and enjoy JAMBOREEKA featuring live *bands, food trucks, beer tents with Gotahold Brewing and Eureka Springs Brewery, nature-based vendors, a dunk tank and waterslide, a nature hike, and an e-bike raffle!


Event Time: 5:00-9:30 PM

Fireworks: at 9:15 PM

*Bands: Sprungbilly and Los Roscoes. Yep, that's right, they're "keepin' it local."

FREE ADMISSION. Donations to support Eureka Parks are greatly appreciated! ❤️

Ha! I love this quirky, little town!





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